A Note from the Author
According to an article written by the Annie E. Casey Foundation, Child Well-Being in Single-
Parent Families, in the United States, nearly 24 million children live in a single parent home.
While close to 15 million, live in mother-only households, approximately 3 to 4 million live in
father-only households. 64% of African American children and 40% of Latino children are most
likely to live in a single-parent household. After a divorce or parental breakup, children often
spend less time with their nonresident parent. Maintaining an involved, nurturing relationship
with the noncustodial parent is very important for a child’s well-being.
As a non-custodial parent, I want to share the experience I have with my children when they
are with me. The time apart from my children weighs heavily on me, as well as for them. I want
to normalize this type of bond children have with their non-custodial parent as they are loved
no matter what.
Parent Families, in the United States, nearly 24 million children live in a single parent home.
While close to 15 million, live in mother-only households, approximately 3 to 4 million live in
father-only households. 64% of African American children and 40% of Latino children are most
likely to live in a single-parent household. After a divorce or parental breakup, children often
spend less time with their nonresident parent. Maintaining an involved, nurturing relationship
with the noncustodial parent is very important for a child’s well-being.
As a non-custodial parent, I want to share the experience I have with my children when they
are with me. The time apart from my children weighs heavily on me, as well as for them. I want
to normalize this type of bond children have with their non-custodial parent as they are loved
no matter what.